A Volunteer Firefighter's Prayer

God; please, as you tuck them in tonight,.
Keep the children safe..
Let me not have to hear their cries.
From a careless act of fate..
Keep their parents all aware, the fragilness.
Of each young soul..
Don't let them waiver from their role of .
Watching out for them..
Will not, a fire in the night and drag me.
From my slumber..
To listen to the grieving hearts or the .
Gratitude of others..
I don't want to hear the siren for an
Auto wreck tonight..
I've untangled enough twisted metal.
With the Jaws of Life..
And when I wake tomorrow, grant me patience.
When I see,.
A mother driving with her child.
Without a safety seat..
Grant me wisdom in the situations I might .
face with each new day,.
In case, by chance, there might be.
a newborn on the way..
Just in case I lose the fight for someone's .
Life I battled,.
Remind me that I'm fallible, just as human.
As the rest..
Give me courage to move on although.
It may not be enough..
And let me always give my best..
Laurie Wood

Brother when you weep for me

Remember that it was meant to be

Lay me down and when you leave

Remember I'll be at your sleeve

In every dark and choking hall

I'll be there as you slowly crawl

on every roof in driving snow

I'll hold your coat and you will know

In cellars hot with searing heat

At windows where a gate you meet

In closets where young children hide

You know I'll be there at your side

The house from which I now respond

Is overstaffed with heroes gone

Men who answered one last bell

Did the job and did it well

As firemen we understand

That death's a card dealt in our hand

A card we hope we never play

But one we hold there anyway

That card is something we ignore

As we crawl across a weakened floor

For we know that we're the only prayer

For anyone that might be there

So remember as you wipe your tears

The joy I knew throughout the years

As I did the job I loved to do

I pray that thought will see you through

My Backup Man

Thought I walk into Billowing structure fires
I am not afraid.
For My backup man is right behind me
Ever present in every way.

He has promised me He would always be there,
No matter where I go.
For my backup man is,
My Lord and Savior And I love Him so.

Thank You Lord Jesus,
For being right behind me,
And keeping me out of harms way,
I am grateful to you for loving me this way.

by Gene Beck

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